At this point, over 130 people were confirmed dead, over 400 people were admitted into emergency units across the state, over 750 houses lost, 4,500 people have become homeless, ...

At the time of great distress, we also see the better side of humanity, volunteers helping each other. Today, a record 6,000 people have donated blood, over AUD6 Million have been received by the Relief fund, many clothes were sent to the relief centres. Volunteers, fire fighters, specialists police officers, Australia Defense and everyone have been mobilised.
Although this was the biggest and worse bush fire Victoria has faced, unfortunately, we have not seen the worse yet. On that day, there was a cool change late afternoon and a number of cool days followed. [Today, the Melbourne max temperature is 24C, at least 20 degrees cooler.] When the next hot day strikes, the hellish bush fire may start at the middle of a hot period. The destruction in the later days will be even worse.
Victoria government has announced a royal commission inquiry, hoping to learn everything we can from this and prepare better plans. As we are counting the loss, we should remind ourselves that the global warming and the climate were caused by human in the first place.

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